Tile Roofing Systems
Tile roofing waterproofing systems come in a multitude of varieties, and the key to preventing leaks lies in adhering to the manufacturer’s specifications during installation. The presence of leaks in tile roofs is often a result of the original contractor failing to meet these specifications. For instance, certain types of tile roofs are not suitable for slopes below 17.5 degrees. Even on slopes meeting this requirement, it’s crucial to use a SABS (South African Bureau of Standards) approved waterproof membrane beneath the tile battens, including valley and side wall flashings. Failure to adhere to the manufacturer’s installation guidelines can lead to unwanted leakage issues.
Remedying Leaks in Non-Specification Tile Roofs
When dealing with leaking tile roofs installed below the manufacturer’s specifications, we offer remedial solutions that eliminate leaks without the need to alter the roof’s pitch. Changing roof trusses is a costly endeavor, and our approach is designed to address shortcomings without such extensive reconstruction.
Our Approach
Our approach to resolving this issue involves compensating for the shortcomings by introducing an underlay beneath the tile battens. Additionally, we install extra battens at a 90-degree angle under the tile battens where the tiles are fitted. This innovative configuration allows rainwater that may blow in under the tiles to drain freely off the roof, preventing leaks caused by a low slope.
No Resorting to Surface Waterproofing!
When tackling tile roof leakages, our commitment is to implement mechanical solutions that prevent leaks without resorting to surface waterproofing. Applying waterproofing over the tiles is a temporary and ineffective solution. It not only fails to address the root cause but also renders the tiles unusable. Our systems, guaranteed leak-free for ten years, provide a long-term solution without compromising the integrity of the tiles.
Contact Roof Waterproofing Company Today!
Ensure your tile roof remains leak-free with our professional tile roofing waterproofing services. Contact us today for a consultation, and let us address your roofing issues while preserving the beauty and functionality of your tile roof.